Carlos Gazeta: His Art, His Place in the Industry, and How His Father is a Driving Force in His Craft
Mr. Carlos Gazeta, 34 years of age has been studying 3D for a decade. He has taken courses from the best of the industry such as Rafael Ghencev, Bruno Câmara and Alvaro Ribeiro. With Traditional modelling, he had learned from Rick Fernandes who, like the other artists, hail from Brazil.
But probably the one who had influenced Mr. Gazeta the most is his father who had drawn for him when he was little. He always looked to his father for inspiration, his memory of him is what kept him going, kept him wanting to do more and to be more.
And of course, Mr. Gazeta has talent to boot. Working within the 3D industry for 7 years, he had used his talent for games and animation projects that had honed his talent and skills and enriched his portfolio better.
Let’s get to know Mr. Gazeta in this short feature and see what makes artists of his calibre.
Xeno Creatives (XC): We understand that with just about any craft, passion takes precedence. In your case, how did it start becoming a passion?
Carlos Gazeta (CG): I have been drawing since I was a child and I always liked art, I believe that part of this passion comes from my father who always drew for me when I was little and that always inspired me.
XC: Would we be right in assuming that you consider it a “calling” as a lot of your contemporaries do?
CG: After you work with it, it being a gift is not enough. It takes a lot of study and discipline to get anywhere. Many fail for not being able to hone it.
XC: Was there ever an art piece (digital or otherwise) or artist who served as a catalyst for your involvement in the craft? When did you get involved fully in the 3D industry?
CG: Before the Internet, I admired the works of Gerald Brom and Boris Vallejo. Also illustrations in game magazines. I always saw the illustrations as something incredible and was very curious to know how they were made. I started to get involved with 3D by accessing forums like CG Society, ZbrushCentral and 3D4all. And some fantastic artbooks from games like Warcraft. I remember that I thought 3D was very complex and with the discovery of these forums I started to understand better how it worked and what was possible. There were incredible artists who posted impressive images, like Antropus and Rafael Grassetti.
XC: Now that you’re an active part of the industry, would you say you have already found a solid place in it?
CG: Never. It is an area that needs to be constantly updated, studying and disciplining itself. It is a rabbit hole that has no end. The more you get involved, the more you realize that you don’t know anything.
XC: How does your day look like in production?
CG: I currently work as a freelancer at home. I am investing my studies in the area of collectibles and it is very important to always be taking courses to update myself. I would say that most of all the work is administrative, if you do not know how to organize yourself well, you will not be able to produce much. It is important to have a lot of patience and to know how to communicate well with people, as they are the ones who get the jobs.
XC: What are the common challenges that a 3D artist like you encounters day-in, day-out in a project?
CG: Knowing the steps the project needs to follow is very important. Each one has its problems and we are often lost because the project is challenging. But by understanding the steps, you can solve each problem on your own and everything will become clearer. With collectibles, you need to worry at each stage if what’s on the screen will work in production. Any failure can greatly complicate production and delay the entire project.
XC: We’ve seen your works online and may we just say that your attention to detail is just amazing. But among your works, do you have favorite pieces? If so, what would these be and why? Also, what would you consider your biggest or most exciting project to date?
CG: My latest project is Wolverine Samurai. I had to have a lot of discipline and dedication to do in the time I had and it opened the door for me to do more work in the collectibles market.
XC: If you were to market yourself what would you highlight as your edge?
CG: I believe that love of art. My father died when I was a child and he always drew for me. It makes me want to do more every day.
XC: If you weren’t a 3D artist today, what would you be working as?
CG: I believe I’d still be drawing or painting, but on canvas.
XC: What is your message to other artists especially in these trying times?
CG: I believe that people are losing their spiritual evolution. Their faith. Their intrapersonal knowledge.We waste a lot of time with things that are unnecessary and the people we love become less valuable. It is important to have courage and to discover oneself, to know the self, to know one’s limits, only then will we be stronger and overcome the adversities of life. Happiness is unconditional, if one is or one is not depends on his or her choices. Nobody has the power to make us happy or unhappy, this is our personal responsibility.
Want to see more of Mr. Carlos Gazeta’s art? You may do so by visit his Facebook and ArtStation accounts.