Alexander Siddig of “Star Trek” and “Game of Thrones” The New Ra’s Al Ghul in “Gotham”
After struggling with its initial season, Fox’s “Gotham” finally found its footing in the second season. Upping the thrill by bringing in various interesting interpretations of well-known Batman characters such as the Riddler, Selina Kyle and even a reimagining of side character, Barbara Kean, future Barabara Gordon.
This recent casting isn’t any different. Actor Alexander Siddig who played Prince Doran Martell in the HBO hit, “Game of Thrones” and starred in “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine” as Doctor Julian Bashin, is set to play the 500-something League of Shadows leader, Ra’s Al Ghul. Known as the Demon’s Head in “Batman” comics, Ra’s Al Ghul was one of Batman’s most formidable enemies who saw him as a worthy successor as the League’s leader.
In “Gotham”, as Fox had revealed, the Demon’s Head would be revealed to be behind the “Court of Owls” and prove to be the deadliest foe that Bruce would have to face.
Apart from Christopher Nolan’s version of the character played by all-around bad-ass Liam Neeson, Ra’s Al Ghul had also appeared in The CW’s “Arrow” portrayed by Matt Nable. In the series, Oliver Queen went face-to-face with the Demon’s Head as the Leader Assassin attempted to recruit him into the League as his replacement. While the arc wasn’t received positively as fans were quick to judge it as an outright Batman rip-off, Nable’s performance as the supervillain became worthy of note.
Thrilled to see Siddig play another iteration of Ra’s Al Ghul? Fox’s “Gotham” is set to return this April 24th with a brand new season.