Nightwing Movie Finally Happening! Director Shares What Fascinates Him About Dick Grayson
Despite the mixed reception of the movies it had been producing, the DCEU ain’t about to stop developing comic book adaptations to ultimately expand. Part of this effort is the recent confirmation that a solo Nightwing movie is happening. While no actors, let alone a story concept (that we know of) had been disclosed, Chris McKay, director to the successful “Lego Batman” movie, had been selected as its director.
In a podcast where McKay was promoting the animated movie, he took a portion of the time to discuss Dick Grayson and why he is thrilled to do film about him. McKay is fascinated with the character due to his lightheartedness although he shares the same dark history with the Dark Knight. He likes Grayson in that he didn’t inherit the darkness that Bruce carries around him – he remains as he is even in the face of overwhelming urban decay and personal tragedies.
Created by Bob Cane and Bill Finger, Dick Grayson was introduced into the DC universe as early as April 1940. He appeared as the Caped Crusader’s sidekick, Robin, the first among the character’s five mainstream incarnations. He was adopted by Bruce Wayne after the murder of his parents while performing as acrobats in Haley’s Circus. After his tenure as leader of the Teen Titans, Grayson came into his own and asserted himself as Nightwing, a martial arts master and escrima stick-weilding vigilante of the city, Bludhaven.
Prior to and upon the release of “Suicide Squad”, fans theorized that Scott Eastwood, son to Hollywood titan Clint Eastwood, who had a short stint in the movie is playing Dick Grayson. It is supposed that Eastwood might be playing a Grayson that had already shed his Nightwing persona in exchange of the life of a spy.
Known as Agent 37 in New 52’s super-spy thriller, “Grayson”, Dick Grayson plays the role of an agent of the espionage agency known as Spyral. After his public reveal as Nightwing in the comic book event, “Forever Evil”, he faked his death under the advise of Bruce Wayne, an advise which Grayson took under the proposition that he becomes the Batman’s inside man in the agency.
On the otherside of town, Jared Padalecki revealed to his Twitter fans after being asked if he would want to play Dick Grayson, that he had, in fact, “always wanted to”.
Dick Grayson fans are thrilled that their icon is finally getting some love from DC executives. Indeed, the success of the second iteration of the Grayson character is something that the community is excitingly hoping for.