The Matrix: Rebooted; Wachowski Brothers Not Involved
This is the world we live in now: The 1970’s hit “Carrie” gets a remake, The “Alien” franchise is revived with “Prometheus” and this year’s upcoming “Alien: Covenant”, even “Total Recall” got an unnecessary make-over. In the not-so far-off regions of the world wide web, someone had claimed that this generation of filmmaking is one of “unoriginality” (Yes. I mean, why would “Beauty and the Beast” even be made into a live action? Who asked for that?) And the rumor mill is at it again, this time, speaking of a reboot of the 1999 sci-fi, cult classic, “The Matrix”.
Zak Penn, writer to “The Incredible Hulk” and “Ready Player One” is reported to be talking with Warner Brothers to undertake a treatment. Compounding the report further, it had been made known that actor Michael B. Jordan is being eyed for a role.
While the Wachowski Brothers, (the progenitors of the original franchise) are said to have nothing to do with it, the company is looking into having their blessing given.
In an interview, Keanu Reeves, John Wick and Neo himself, (take that) said that he would get involved in any possible Matrix revival should the Wachowski Brothers write and direct the new film. He added that it would depend on the story, and that although he saw it as “weird”, reeves made it clear that he would not close his doors.
Responsible for a lot of conpisracy theories and modern-day paranoia, “The Matrix” had been turned into a trilogy after the success of the first film. The franchise explored a simulated world created by artificial intelligence in their attempt to sheild their existence from human knowledge, all while making them their ultimate power source. The film received a lot of positive reviews and a cult following. This had birthed other expressions in media, one being “The Animatrix” which was a set of short animations by different writers and creative teams that delved deeper into the post-apocalyptic world.
The same is actually reported for the reboot. Various sources say that the new film would “explore” other facets of the universe, thus veering away from its original characters.
Do you think another “The Matrix” movie would fare well? Or would this share the same fate with other hit movie reboots?