Another One Bites The Marvel Dust, Iwan Rheon of “Game of Thrones” Fame Cast In “Inhumans”
The HBO hit series, “Game of Thrones” had been responsible for giving the American entertainment scene a steady supply of genre actors, specifically for Sci-Fi and Horror. Which is why Iwan Rheon, the Welsh actor who played Ramsay Bolton, being cast in Marvel’s “Inhumans” comes as no surprise.
Rheon would take on the role of Maximus an Inhuman with the ability of Mind Control and brother to the Inhuman King, Black Bolt. In Marvel canon as written by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in 1965, Inhumans are a race of superhumans whose abilities stem from manipulation of their genetics as early as the ancient times. Their society is structured in a way that they abide by a a caste system ultimately governed by a Royal Family.
As disclosed in an interview, the “Inhumans” series would see a charming Maximus whose complexity is made apparent throughout the narrative. Jeph Loeb, Head to Marvel Television and Executive Producer claims to be excited about having Rheon on board for the project. He believes Rheon would bring life to the tempting ambivalence of Maximus. In the comic books, Maximus is alternately called, “Maximus the Magnificent” and “Maximus the Mad” for his combined genius level intellect and mild insanity. He is just as formidable as his brother but with a more insidious agenda, one that involves the desire to assume his brother’s throne.
Taking the reins at directing, filmmaker Roel Reine would be responsible for a two-part “Inhumans” pilot filmed in full with IMAX digital cameras. For two weeks, these episodes would be running only in IMAX theaters beginning September 2017. Afterwards, ABC would be premiering the series in the fall with additional content that can only be watched through the network’s broadcast.