Writer and All-around Geek, Joss Whedon To Write and Direct a Solo “Batgirl” Movie
by Joshua Diokno

Recently, we’ve heard of a “Nightwing” solo movie under “Lego Batman” director Chris McKay, one that got fans speculating as to who would be playing the hunky escrima stick-wielding vigilante.
And now, we have this: Joss Whedon, taking the reins not only on writing, but also directing and producing a solo “Batgirl” movie.
Whedon, who is known for his amazing work on the “Avengers” movies and his progressive lens on writing female characters is said to have accepted the project after a meeting with big DC players, Jon Berg and Geoff Johns.
Joss Whedon writing Batgirl, while thrilling for fans, is something that comes does not come as a surprise. Sarah Michelle Gellar’s “Buffy Summers” is a testament as to how Whedon can flesh-out empowered female characters in an industry that still caters largely to the male ego.
Batgirl made her debut in DC comics back in 1967. Daughter to Commissioner James Gordon, Barbara had had a fascination with the caped crusader whom she emulated in fighting crime. And as her comic book destiny would have it, Batman himself grew into respecting Batgirl which led to eventually taking her under his wing to strengthen his crusade.
But of course the fate of the character had taken a dark turn after being shot by the Joker in Alan Moore’s 1988 Eisner Award winning piece, “The Killing Joke”. Being crippled by the tragedy,Barbara turns to technology by assuming the role of intelligent-informant-vigilante, Oracle.
So the news of a Batgirl movie is indeed interesting to fans as it leads them to various speculations. Would Whedon be taking largely from Barbara’s history prior to “The Killing Joke” or would he be doing away with it and turn directly to the New 52 and current DC continuity?
In any case, fans are thrilled for this DC news as it espouses hope from the darkness of the negatively-received DC movies.
Joss Whedon, we are definitely rooting for you!