Mr. Drian Enguio: On Losing His Passion, Finding it Again, and Making it On His Own
One look at Mr. Drian Enguio’s work and we would be led to assume that he is more than just talented, he is a seasoned artist. Surprisingly, Mr. Enguio had only started with the digital art discipline back in January 2019. Even more surprising, he had only taught himself to become a Digital Artist; he had not gone to school or got involved in any formal training.

Being given the chance to talk to the likes of Mr. Enguio had been exciting, educating, and humbling. Today, Xeno Creatives shares his experiences and viewpoints of being in the craft with the hopes of inspiring those who might be playing with the thought of going into the 3D industry.
Xeno Creatives (XC): We understand that with just about any craft, passion takes precedence. In your case, how did it start becoming a passion?

Drian Enguio (DE): When I was about 8 or 9, I used to draw a lot of Anime characters or some random stuff. My love or passion for drawing faded as I grew older; I was introduced to other interests like sports and computer games on which I also excelled at. My passion for drawing was just reignited recently when I failed in my Engineering course. I was devastated and depressed about what my future would be like.
I decided to assess options and tried to find my calling. So I tried out a lot of things such as computer programming and other things. It didn’t work for me for I was only taught about the basics and felt something was lacking not until I found the program ZBrush. I did a lot of research and played around with the software. I discovered that the program was one of the many media in creating movies, computer games, and digital art. Through ZBrush, I just found my long lost passion for creating art again. I realized that ZBrush allows you to spend hours working with it without getting tired or losing interest in it.
XC: Was there ever an art piece (digital or otherwise) or artist who served as a catalyst for your involvement in the craft? When did you get involved fully in the 3D industry?

DE: I wouldn’t say that any specific art influenced my journey in creating digital art. What got my gear revving is my constant fascination with Digital Art (2/3D), cartoons, FX-heavy films, video games, and cinematics. I often wonder about how they are made; I would have to say that this has been my greatest motivation in diving deep into the world of digital art.
XC: Now that you’re an active part of the industry, would you say you have already found a solid place in it?
DE: I still haven’t found a solid footing in the industry and I believe that I’m still learning. As time progresses technology also evolves, We need to improvise and adapt to those changes. We also need to broaden our knowledge and sharpen our skills. There is no end to learning, but there are many beginnings.
XC: How does your day look like in production?
DE: Unfortunately, I haven’t experienced working in the 3D industry. I’m still in the learning phase. I would imagine if I ever get a job, my day would be like enjoying modelling and texturing characters all day long.

XC: What are the common challenges that a 3D artist like you encounters day-in, day-out in a project?
DE: Everything with regard to Digital Art for me is a challenge. I thrive in challenges and my thirst for learning has always been high—especially when I see the community creating digital masterpieces. I can feel that I still have a long road ahead of me and a lot of skills to learn and improve.
XC: We’ve seen your works online and may we just say that your attention to detail is just amazing. But among your works, do you have favorite pieces? If so, what would these be and why? Also, what would you consider your biggest or most exciting project to date?
DE: To be honest, I love all my artworks, but I would say my favorite among my creations is the “Aliyah artwork”. I was really invested in rendering the character’s emotions. The character was filled with emotions and symbolisms, making me deeply emotionally-invested in it.

XC: If you were to market yourself what would you highlight as your edge?
DE: I would represent myself as a Digital Character Sculptor and Texture Artist as these are my forte.
XC: If you weren’t a 3D artist today, what would you be working as?
DE: If I hadn’t failed my Engineering studies, logically, I would have become an Engineer. Or maybe I would be competing for video games professionally.
XC: The Coronavirus outbreak had caught the world unawares. How did this affect you as a member of the 3D industry? What is your message to other artists in these trying times?
DE: To be honest, the COVID-19 pandemic didn’t affect my work and studies at all. That is because I do all my work at home. My message is just to be patient and keep working hard even in these hard times. Eventually, everything will go back to normal.
Want to see more of Mr. Drian Enguio’s amazing works? Click here!