Kim Minjeong: The Constant Pursuit to Become Better

When you look at Mr. Kim Minjeong’s works online, you would probably think that he is an artist who had already reached the peak of his discipline. And inasmuch as his art does speak volumes about his talent and skill in ZBrush, Kim keeps the mindset that he could be better—that he could still improve through every project he pursues.
Let’s get to know Mr. Kim Minjeong in this short feature and be inspired to become better constantly.
Xeno Creatives (XC): We understand that with just about any craft, passion takes precedence. In your case, how did it start becoming a passion? Would we be right in assuming that you consider it a “calling” as a lot of your contemporaries do?
Kim Minjeong (KM): I started working as a 2D game concept artist. In order to draw the shape more accurately, I used ZBrush and applied it to the picture. As I learned 3D tools more and more deeply, I became interested in modeling and naturally learned modeling.
XC: Was there ever an art piece (digital or otherwise) or artist who served as a catalyst for your involvement in the craft? When did you get involved fully in the 3D industry?

KM: It’s hard to say that it was especially influenced by only one artist or artwork. I want to see various works, see trends, and get inspiration from places like Art Station.
XC: Now that you’re an active part of the industry, would you say you have pegged a solid place in it?
KM: I’m just getting started. There are still a lot of things to develop, so I’m continuing to learn and work.
XC: How does your day look like in production?
KM: Create concepts and designs so that characters can move alive within the game’s world view. I hope that the characters in the game will be made to feel like they are living in the real world rather than a virtual one.

Currently, the 3D work that I do are mostly personal. I work as a Concept Artist at a company. When I undertake personal work, I give myself total freedom with the direction that I would be taking. As a Concept Artist, the design that I want may not always be accepted. I try to find the right point between the beauty perceive and what I want to express.
XC: Your works online are really impressive. The portraits you have created are really striking. But do you have favorite pieces? If so, why are these your favorites? Also, what would you consider your biggest or most exciting project to date?
KM: It’s hard to choose just one because I enjoy working through the different aspects of each work. I always strive to become better with every project.
XC: If you were to market yourself what would you highlight as your edge?
KM: I try my best to express my work with affection and passion.

XC: If you weren’t a 3D artist today, what would you be working as?
KM: I think I would still be working as a Concept Artist.
XC: What is your message to other artists in these challenging times?
KM: I think the work contains how the worker looked at the world. I hope you can make beautiful works with your eyes and share them with many people.
Want to see more of Mr. Kim Minjeong’s amazing work, click here!