Funny how things in life turn out. You study in a university with a specific ...

If there is one word that would summarize Mr. Bruno Carazza’s character as an artist, ...

A character artist with a 16-year tenure in the industry, Mr. Frank Torrealba is not ...

Coming from the traditional discipline of sculpting, Mr. Roberto Chaudon is an artist who knows ...

Mr. Dániel Oláh is not like the other artists Xeno Creatives have had the pleasurable ...

Ms. Eunji Lee is serious with her project as a Digital Artist on producing character ...

A young mind is easy to shape. You give it a nudge in a certain ...

Trained in Computer Graphics and Multimedia, then specializing in conceptual 3D designer, Mr. Cherif Tougourti ...

Upon the question of establishing solid footing within the industry, many artists shy away from ...

In his own way, Mr. Sachin Sivakumaran is an innovator and much like any innovator ...