While DC had been getting smacked for its creative decisions with its Cinematic Universe, gamers ...

After wowing audiences in the mind-bending spectacle that was, "Doctor Strange", Benedict Cumberbatch reprises his ...

True to Ryan Reynolds humor, the actor conclusively tweeted about his involvement in the upcoming, ...

Who knows what goes on in that man's mind. But aren't brilliant men constantly shrouded ...

Coming in May 2017, Ridley Scott finally follows through with his promise of a sequel ...

They might not be the Trinity you're expecting, but hey, beggars can't be choosers. And ...

It's out and we can't help but be entertained. Following the success of the previous "Despicable ...

In this day and age of remakes, reboots, and endless prequels and sequels, it comes ...

Batman may be trained in the mystic disciplines but that doesn't mean he puts up ...

Perhaps the biggest surprise that Arrow fans got from the midseason finale was the sudden ...